Tuesday Afternoon
MPD Before You’re In a Crisis…and Beyond!
City Terrace 6
What motivates you Biblically to cast a vision for your ministry? Need practical ideas & tools to communicate your vision? How can you steward well the financial resources after your paycheck? Save, pay down debt, invest, Cru 403b Retirement plan…what does Cru Stewardship offer? (Scott Kelsay, Di Zimmerman)
Innovation: A Journey of Possibilities
Conference Center B
There has to be a better way! A better way to meet new students. A better way to share the gospel. A better way to disciple students. A better way to ________ – you fill in the blank. Discover a framework that will help you and your team solve your local problems with solutions you create yourselves. There is a better way! Come be a part of finding it! (Kevin Niemann, Lauren Davis)
Conference Center A
We will take time to explore our own spiritual practice of receiving and entering God’s rest (or lack thereof). And more importantly, we’ll try a short sabbath rest practice together with no judgment. Resting takes practice! (Vickie LaClare)
Recruiting & Receiving Interns On Your Team
City Terrace 8
Though the thought of recruiting might sometimes feel overwhelming, raising up and retaining interns is a key part of Welcome-Win-Build-Send. How do we recruit students and volunteers to join our teams? And how do we care for them well once they report? Join Brian and Lizzie as they tackle these questions and more. Plus, hear from a panel of two of our current interns with their TLs to share their on-the-field experience in this area. (Brian Ricci, Lizzie Edwards)
City Stories/A Hero’s Story
City Terrace 5
Ready for a new approach, one that motivates people to talk to you? Why not add the guides for City Stories and A Hero’s Story to your repertoire? Discover how easy it is to connect a student’s story to Jesus. (Jane Fox)
Thursday Afternoon
Jesus Film Project Resources
City Terrace 8
The goal of Jesus Film Project is to help every person from every culture truly experience Jesus. We create contextualized digital content that helps a person both journey TOWARD Jesus and WITH Jesus. Come learn more about Jesus Film Project and how you can have these ministry resources in multiple languages right in the palm of your hand. (Liz Henderson)
Biblical Conflict Resolution
City Terrace 6
Come learn the three main types of conflict and how to resolve them biblically. This practical seminar will give you the tools to reconcile with others. (Holly Melton)
Multiplying Disciples Work Session
City Terrace 5
Come contribute to a learning conversation around multiplying disciples in our Bridges movements. As we give more focus over the next few years to multiplying disciples nationally, Bridges leaders need your insights to shape strategies to help us grow more multiplying disciples. Expect a structured and fast-paced problem-solving setting! (Lauren Davis, Dan Tietz)
Relationship With Your University
Conference Center A
We’re often tempted to approach the university in one of two ways, either slipping under the radar so they don’t notice us or relying solely on our personal winsomeness to establish trust, but what do we do when these things fail? Join us for a conversation on practices, principles and case studies that speak to these issues. (Meagin Goff, Zeke Zeiler)
Mobilizing African Believers
Conference Center B
God is bringing increasing numbers of sub-Saharan African Christians to Bridges movements across the country. What unique strengths and weaknesses do these brothers and sisters in Christ bring? How can we effectively disciple them toward Christ and mobilize them to join us in the harvest of many nations? (Ashley Mayanja, Steph Mberego)