Training for your Gospel Pathway meal

First, pray.

Pray for your friends and ask God to lay on your heart one or two with whom He would like for you to share the gospel.

Second, think through how you will share the gospel. 

Third, invite ­­­your friend for a meal. 


  • Let them know that you want to hear more about their story and share some important events in your life.
  • You can prepare it yourself or go out for a meal or coffee/tea or a snack.  
  • Keep the receipt to be reimbursed.  
  • Write the names of the attendees on the receipt (first initial and last name). 
  • Also, take a photo of the group during the meal if possible.


  • Ask wondering questions of your friend.
  • Good ways to start “wondering”:
    • “That’s an interesting perspective; I’m wondering how you arrived at that conclusion?” 
    • “I’m wondering what role religion has played in shaping your life?”
  • “I’m wondering if you’re searching for something?”
  • Then, Ask if he could share something about your spiritual journey.
  • Share your personal testimony briefly (should be less than three minutes.)
  • Then say, “I would like to share the message that changed my life with you. Could I show it to you?”
  • Open up a gospel presentation on God Tools and share it with them.

Remember to be sensitive and polite. At every point, honor your friend’s desire to keep going or not. It is not necessary that you get through an entire gospel presentation to be reimbursed.  Sometimes it just isn’t the right time.  We want to be with you in helping you try.