How You Can Pray With Confidence
You Can Change the Lives of Men and Nations
Access the power of the Holy Spirit by prayer.
Have you ever considered that you have immediate access to the most powerful Person in the universe? During the last 40 years, I have had the honor and privilege of meeting several presidents of the United States. Every president has a very heavy schedule and tens of thousands of friends and supporters who would like to be invited to meet with him. Because of limited time, only a few are invited. Those who are must go through meticulous security checks before they are allowed to meet the president. As a child of God you have the opportunity for an instant audience with the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the President of presidents. Whatever the need, whatever the time, His calendar is cleared to be with you; His schedule is open for your appointment; His full attention is devoted to you. The Untapped Power of the Holy Spirit Not only do you have the ear of the greatest Person in the universe, but has it ever occurred to you, as you kneel in your place of prayer, that you have been given the privilege of being used of God to help change the lives of individuals and nations. God has literally made available to you His vast reservoir of power, wisdom, love and grace, if only you are willing to believe him, to trust and obey Him. Why are we so spiritually impotent and fruitless today compared to the first-century Christians? I believe the answer is found in the word unbelief. Our Lord Jesus Christ has commissioned us, as a demonstration of His loving concern and compassion for the world, to go and share the good news of the gospel everywhere. But we huddle in unbelief in our little prayer meetings and talk of peripheral, superficial matters. We are content to see accomplished in the name of Christ only what we are capable of accomplishing through our own intellect, eloquence, and organizational skills. Instead of calling upon the mighty God of the universe and believing Him for the supernatural, we go aimlessly on our way — spiritually impotent, unbelieving and fruitless. The disciples knew and prayed to the omnipotent Creator God. In response to their prayers and dedicated lives, He used them as ambassadors of Christ to turn a wicked Roman Empire upside down. Read their prayer as recorded in Acts 4: Oh Lord, Creator of heaven and earth and of the sea and everything in them — you spoke long ago by the Holy Spirit through our ancestor King David, your servant, saying, ‘Why do the heathen rage against the Lord, and the foolish nations plan their little plots against Almighty God? The kings of the earth unite to fight against him, and against the anointed Son of God! That is happening here in this city today! For Herod the king, and Pontius Pilate the governor, and all the Romans — as well as the people of Israel — are united against Jesus, your anointed Son, your holy servant. They won’t stop at anything that you in your wise power will let them do. And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and grant to your servants great boldness in their preaching, and send your healing power, and may miracles and wonders be done by the name of your holy servant Jesus. Is it any wonder that God used these first-century Christians to change the course of history? They knew and served the mighty, all-powerful, sovereign, loving God of the universe. The God whom you worship and serve is the same all-wise, all-powerful, loving God and Father whom they loved and served. His power has not changed — He longs to do the same through you and me that He accomplished through those first-century believers. God’s Response to Prayer in Foundation of Ministry For more than a year before Campus Crusade for Christ began, I led church teams into college dormitories, fraternities and sororities in the Los Angeles area; yet, to my knowledge, not a single person committed his or her life to Christ at any of these meetings. But when God called this ministry into being in the spring of 1951, we immediately formed a 24-hour prayer chain and divided the prayer time into 96 15-minute periods. Scores of Christians invested fifteen minutes in prayer every day on behalf of our new ministry at the University of California at Los Angeles. During the very first sorority meeting at UCLA after the prayer chain began, more than half of the sixty women present expressed a desire to receive Christ. Over the next few months, more than 250 students at UCLA — including the president of the student body, the editor of the newspaper and a number of top athletes — committed their lives to Jesus Christ. So great was their influence for Christ that the campus chimes began to play Christian hymns at noon each day! This unprecedented demonstration of God’s blessing was no accident. God was responding to the prayers of many of His children. His blessing continues to this day as He is using Campus Crusade for Christ to help introduce tens of millions of people to our Savior and then build disciples in all the major countries of the world. Prayer continues to be our major emphasis.Answers to Your Questions on Prayer
We have learned through the years that the average Christian does not know how to pray. A friend of mine who has been a Christian for more than 50 years told me, “I never pray in public, and I know very little about prayer or how to pray.” Because so many Christians — new and old alike — know so little about prayer, I wish to share with you some simple, basic truths and answer some vital questions about prayer. 1. What Is Prayer? Someone has said, “Prayer is a dialogue between two people who love each other — God and man.” Simply put, prayer is communicating with God. Every Christian has a direct line of communication with God, available at all times. But most Christians never lift the phone off the hook and often forget the line exists until an emergency arises. Prayer is much more than words, however. It is an expression of the heart towards God. It is an experience, a relationship, not an activity. As a child of God you are invited to come boldly before His throne. “Since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God,” Paul writes, “let us…then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Because the one to whom you pray is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Creator of heaven and earth, you come into His presence with reverence. But He is also your loving heavenly Father who cares for you and delights in having fellowship with you. Therefore, you can enter into His presence with a relaxed joyful heart, knowing God loves you more than anyone else has ever loved you or will ever love you. To me, real prayer is simply communicating with God, inviting Him to talk to you as you talk to Him. There is more to prayer, but this is basic to true prayer. 2. Who Can Pray? Anyone can pray. However, only those who walk in faith and obedience to Christ can expect to receive answers to their prayers. On the eve of His crucifixion, Jesus promised to those who belong to Him, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”Man instinctively prays whenever He is faced with tragedy, heartache, sorrow or danger — even if only to false gods made of wood, stone, or His own fallen imagination.
But serious danger exists in this. People always assimilate the moral character of the objects they worship. Those who worship gods of lust, for example, become morally degenerate. Those who pray to gods of blood, gore and war, become militaristic, ruthless and sadistic. Those who bow to the god of materialism become greedy and self-centered. Prayer to anything or anyone apart from God through our Lord Jesus Christ is forbidden. God’s Word declares: Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts… Paul writes that “anyone who comes to Him (God) must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” By coming to Christ and worshipping Him, you are changed into His image: ” We, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. This explains the scriptural emphasis on the worship of and prayer to the only true righteous, holy and loving God. According to the Scriptures, “There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men…” Jesus Himself claims to be the only way to God. He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Does this sound too exclusive? No. Jesus Christ came to die for all people in all lands. He promises rest for all who are weary and heavy-laden. Many people who have ignored God for a lifetime come to a difficult situation near the end of life and are too embarrassed to turn to Him in prayer. They reason, “I’ve ignored God all my life — it’s too late now.” Do not feel this way. God listens to the prayer of any truly repentant individual. He proved His love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still in our sins. There is nothing that you or I can do that will cause God to stop loving us. The fact still remains, however, that you cannot expect God to answer your prayers unless you come to Him in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus as your only mediator and confess your sins and receive Him as your Savior and Lord. Heart Attitudes Conducive to Prayer Those who have clean hearts can pray. You must not only ask in the name of Jesus. You must also come with a clean heart. The psalmist says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear: Therefore, you cannot expect God to answer your prayers if there is any unconfessed sin in your life. Just as the omission of one ingredient in a cake recipe can result in failure, so the omission of confessing any known sin can result in prayer failure. Those who have a forgiving spirit can pray. One of the most frequent hindrances to prayer is an unforgiving spirit. Jesus said, “When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive Him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” In our Lord’s prayer, the words “give” and “forgive” occur in the same context: “Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven out debtors.” No prayer except the prayer of confession can be answered by God unless it comes from a heart that is free of unforgiveness and bitterness. The well-worn compromise, “Well, I can forgive, but I can’t forget,” only defeats your prayers. What if that were God’s attitude? His love has prompted a wonderful forgetfulness in which He has pledged to put all of your sins behind His back and remember them against you no more. You and I must come to God with a forgiving heart if we are to receive the Christian’s legacy of power in prayer. Those who pray in faith can pray. You must also have a believing heart if your prayers are to be answered. The same Lord who says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” and, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” also says, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” and, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” and, “According to your faith will it be done to you.” Yet few of us take seriously these words, and few dare to claim what God has so generously promised us.More Answers on Prayer: Why, To Whom and When?
3. Why Are You to Pray? You pray because God commands you to pray. The New Testament commands to pray are many. Here are a few; Pray continually. Watch and pray. Pray with thanksgiving. Pray in the Spirit. Always pray and not give up. Pray for those in authority. Pray for utterance. Pray for boldness. You pray because of our Lord’s example. Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, was obedient in prayer. Although His day was filled from morning to night with many pressures and responsibilities — addressing crowds, healing the sick, granting private interviews, traveling and training His disciples — He made prayer a priority. If Jesus was so dependent upon this fellowship in prayer alone with His Father, how much more should you and I spend time alone with God! You pray because of the examples of the disciples and others. The lives of the disciples and the biographies of Christians who have been mightily used of God through the centuries all testify to the necessity of prayer. They, too, are examples of obedience to His command to pray. I’m not suggesting that you need to spend long hours each day in prayer, though some are called to this high privilege. But you can “pray continually,” bringing everything to God in prayer. Those who obey God’s command to pray are mightily blessed and used of God. You pray to have fellowship with God. God waits anxiously for you to come to Him in prayer. Proverbs records, “The prayer of the upright is His delight.” This should motivate you to spend more time with our Lord because you wish to please and delight Him. My own sons help me to realize the importance of this fact. No matter how busy I am, when Zachary or Bradley want to talk with me, I gladly put aside everything else just to have fellowship with them. I long and love to be with them, and I am always grateful when they want to be with me. One day, many years ago as I was studying in our home, Zachary appeared with a stack of books and sat down across from me at the table. Although neither of us spoke, I sensed the warmth of His love. I finally broke the silence by saying, “Zac, I want you to know how much it means to me that you have come to sit with me.” He replied, “Daddy, that’s the reason I came. I just want to be near you. For the first time in my life, I really understood how the great heart of our loving God delights in us and longs for our fellowship. You pray to communicate with God. He said, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Prayer is not just an “escape hatch” for you to get out of trouble, please yourself or gain your selfish ends. It is your line of communication with God. As His child, you have direct access to His throne. He loves you so much that He has made Himself available to you at all times. Through prayer you talk to God and He responds to you. You pray to receive spiritual nurture. Just as a child needs food to grow physically, so you need food to grow spiritually. You can miss a meal and not feel any ill effects, but if you go without food for a week, you begin to weaken and run out of energy. So it is with your spiritual life. You can go through one day without any apparent ill effects, but if you continue this practice, you will become undernourished, losing the strength to live a victorious life and to maintain the boldness necessary for a vital witness for Christ. You pray to obtain results. Genuine, biblically-based prayer does change things. It so changes those who pray that God is free to reveal His will to them. Prayer also releases God’s great power to change the course of nature and people and nations. The faithful prayers of Spirit-filled, believing Christians have proven this many times over. Urgent Situation Leads to Effective Prayer Many buildings on the grounds of Arrowhead Springs, our international headquarters, including the bungalow where Vonette and I live, came extremely close to being engulfed in flames during a terrible brush fire several years ago. Seven of the buildings were destroyed. After evacuating the grounds, a group of people who remained to fight the fire prayed earnestly at about two-thirty in the afternoon that God would turn the ninety mile-per-hour winds away from the buildings. Precisely while they were praying, one of the firefighters observed the flag snapping violently in the wind. Suddenly, the flag began to turn and within moments was flapping in the opposite direction. They all were awestruck at what God had done before their very eyes. Urgent word also came to Vonette and me at about two-thirty that the flames had enveloped the campus of our headquarters including our bungalow. We, too, got on our knees and began to pray that God would turn the winds. Those who were fighting the fire reported that the heat and smoke became so intense, they were forced to lie on the ground in order to breathe as they sprayed water on the buildings. At about two-thirty they were at the point of abandoning our bungalow to the flames surrounding it on three sides — when suddenly the winds miraculously shifted and swept the flames in another direction. Many similar, dramatic answers to prayer could be shared. Yes, prayer truly changes. You pray to become a fruitful witness for Christ. The divine order is first to talk to God about men and then to talk to men about God. Witnessing is simply gathering the results of prayer, both the prayer of the one who is sharing Christ and the prayers of others. I am convinced that the single most important factor in my becoming a Christian was the prayers of my godly mother. 4. To Whom Do You Pray? You pray to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says: When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Your prayers are validated by Jesus Christ and are interpreted to God the Father by the Holy Spirit. But since God is one God, manifested in three persons, it is perfectly acceptable to pray to Jesus or to the Holy Spirit. There is no jealousy between the three persons of the Trinity. But the scriptural pattern which Jesus taught addressed the Father.More Answers on Prayer: What Should Be Included?
ACTS: An easily remembered acronym for prayer.
6. What Should Be Included in Prayer? Certain basic elements should be included in prayer. These can be easily remembered by the word “ACTS,” an acronym for the following words: However, “ACTS” is merely a guideline and not a rigid sequence which you must follow in your prayers. Let’s consider each of these words. Adoration To adore God is to worship and praise Him, to honor and exalt Him in your heart and mind and with your lips. Prayer is often misunderstood as a vague, mystical element in one’s relationship to a holy, awesome God. But the Word of God does not teach this. Rather, it teaches that God, our Father, desires the fellowship of His children.Abide, Ask, Believe and Receive
Follow 4 imperatives as you expect God to answer your prayers.
How can you expect answers to your prayers? Four imperatives must be followed: abide, ask, believe, and receive. Let’s look at each of these for a moment:Tapping the Source of Power
Trusting God to Answer Prayers
It may be that, in addition to your own personal ministry, God would have you pray for the personnel of a radio or television station or a newspaper to be an influence of righteousness. It may be that He would have you claim for Him a high school campus, a college campus, an office, or a community; or that every person within the radius of a mile of your home, or every home within the entire city would be personally visited by trained workers who would lovingly, prayerfully and intelligently present the claims of Christ. Remember that, as you bow in prayer, you are tapping a source of power that can change the course of history. God’s mighty power, His love, His wisdom and His grace are available to you if you will but believe Him and claim them. Remember always, Jesus promised that you would do the same miracles which He did, and even greater ones. Will you join with us in praying for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth millions of disciples to work with thousands of local churches of all denominations and with various movements and organizations who desire to see the Great Commission fulfilled in this generation? Will you pray also for a mighty outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon the entire world and for the money and material needed to fulfill this God-given task? Prayer is the greatest privilege of the Christian life and the most revolutionary source of power known to man. If you were to take seriously the promises of God and begin to claim by faith in prayer all that you have been promised, miracles would attend your way, multitudes would be introduced to our Lord Jesus Christ, the whole course of history would be changed, and you would help to fulfill the Great Commission during your lifetime. Remember, How You Can Pray with Confidence is a transferable concept. You can master it by reading it six times; then pass it on to others as our Lord commands us in Matthew 28:29: “Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” The apostle Paul encouraged us to do the same: “The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach other” (2 Timothy 2:2).Study Guide
Learn more about how to pray with confidence with these study guides. Self-Study Guide- What is prayer? Why is prayer important?
- Whom does God hear when they pray?
- John 9:31
- Psalm 66:18
- Mark 11:25
- Proverbs 15:8,29
- Why would unconfessed sin hinder or halt your prayer life?
- What do these verses teach about how to pray?
- Psalm 145:18
- Matthew 6:5-7
- Matthew 21:22
- Philippians 4:6
- What vital elements of prayer are found in Acts 4:24-30?
- What vital elements of prayer did Christ include in his prayer in John 17?
- What part does prayer have in witnessing?
- How would you explain the elements of the model prayer Christ gave his disciples in Matthew 6:9-13?
- When should you pray? Is one time “better” than any other?
- What are some of the promises Christ makes to you when you pray?
- Matthew 6:6
- Matthew 18:20
- Luke 11:9-13
- John 14:13, 14
- What are the four parts of prayer in 1 Timothy 2:1? Explain briefly what each one means.
- What important prerequisites to effective prayer do you find in these verses?
- John 15:7
- James 4:2, 3
- John 14:14
- Matthew 21:22
- James 1:6
- What part does the Holy Spirit play in prayer? (See Romans 8:26, 27)
- What does it mean to be prepared to receive God’s answers to your prayers?
- What promise does James 5:16 give us?
- A prayer journal is an effective way to record God’s faithfulness in answering your prayers. Start a journal this week by recording your daily requests. Then enter God’s answers as they come.
- Review the importance of prayer in the founding of Campus Crusade. What project is your group currently initiating (or already involved in)? How can you effectively mobilize your group to provide the prayer support you need?
- The Scripture commands us to “pray continually” (See 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Discuss with your group how you can make this a habit in your daily life.
- Share some of your creative ideas for quiet times and personal prayer times.
- Prayer changes things — and people. By way of encouragement, share with your group an answer to prayer which you have experienced that has changed a situation or person.
- What are some specific prayer requests you want to believe God for? Share these with your group and identify some promises from Scripture that you can claim for each request.
- With your group, devise a prayer strategy to help fulfill the Great Commission in your community.
Adapted from the Transferable Concept: How You Can Pray with Confidence, by Dr. Bill Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. © Campus Crusade for Christ. All rights reserved.